
Things To Look Out For When Using Mental Health Apps During Pandemic

At a time when there’s an app for this and an app for that, it comes as no surprise that there is now an explosion of mental health apps available. At first glance, this might appear to be a positive, one more way that technology can streamline our lives. But when it comes to our mental health, leaning on an online app may not only be ineffective, but could also present some significant downsides. Some may argue that the availability of a mobile mental health app is beneficial for the individual who lives in a region where mental health services are difficult to locate. It could be beneficial speaking with a mental health professional online given the circumstances we are living today due to the pandemic. Additionally, a mental health app may be a tool that someone could use who may otherwise never seek psychiatric treatment. While these points have some merit, the next question should be, “What exactly is the individual actually  receiving through the app?” If a m...