Coping With Social Anxiety After Lockdown
By Steven Booth, Founder of Elevation Behavioral Health How odd the world seems after spending a couple months cooped up at home. When it was finally okay to venture outside again, to many it felt like an alien world. Even driving a car felt foreign, and many felt a sensitivity to noise and felt over-stimulated in general being back out in the world. In addition to the strangeness of reentering society after the lockdown, many also experienced social anxiety. This can be so pronounced that some thought, “ I think I’m losing my mind !” Social anxiety is characterized by a sense of fear or dread when in a social situation. Symptoms of social anxiety include: Nausea Irrational fear of being judged or humiliated in public Blushes easily Shortness of breath Racing heart Feeling faint Dizziness Sweating Trembling The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has reported that approximately 15 million U.S. adults suffer from social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety can be cri...